Customer Service

Methods of Meter Reading Reporting

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Gas supply service is divided into 2 areas, Western and Eastern region, using Jianguo North/South Road as a boundary line. Meter Reading Reporting/Collection Period for the Western region starts on the 10th on an even numbered month and ends on the 18th of the following month, whereas the Eastern region starts on the 10th on an odd numbered month and ends on the 18th of the following month. The above mentioned Meter reading/collection periods will be subject to change slightly when encountering national or public holidays.
Regular household customers will be charged on a bi-monthly basis; commercial and large-volume users will be charged monthly.
Dispatching personnel every month/bi-monthly, according to pre-set work schedules, to users’ property for meter reading collection. Other meter reading/collection methods include:
  • Gas Meter Reading Reporting
  • Submit Gas Meter Readings Online
  • Automated Phone Reporting:(02)2768-5109、(02)2768-5110、(02)2769-1212 ext.3
  • Submit a Meter Reading via Smart Phone Apps
Contacting Service Personnel:Mon.-Fri. (08:35~12:00,13:15~17:30)
Service Phone:2768-4999 ext. 318